Thursday, October 15, 2009
How To Skyrocket Your Traffic With Articles Writing :
The concept of using articles is similar to that of creating a free product. The main difference is that you're not giving away a pre-built product. Rather, you're creating a free information source through an article on a particular subject that should directly relate to the content found within your site. The beauty part of using articles is that you can generate and submit as many of them as you can to as many different article directories as you can find that offer free submission.
A well-written article earns you major credibility points. It enhances your expertise in the eyes of potential customers. Articles give you a chance to shine and really show off the fact that you know your stuff. Articles are also super traffic building tools. Each article that you write and
distribute, while granting others the right to re-print it, has a viral effect on your traffic. Your reach is expanded into corners of the web you may never have discovered on your own.
Articles have a cumulative effect on your link popularity, and on the number of
keywords that pull up your site in the search engine listings. If you can't write a complete sentence to save your life, or if you're simply too busy to write, don't worry. You can hire a ghostwriter to produce your content on the cheap. There are plenty of hungry freelancers to be found at places like Elance ( You can also get a FREE copy of Ghostwriter's Inside & Out that explains in great detail the who's, what's, when's, why's, and how's of hiring a ghostwriter. Beyond that, you can use private label articles and content to make the process even easier. A word of caution though, some article directories are now putting actions in place that will stop duplicate article submissions, which is a bad thing for private label articles. Although, it doesn't have to be. You could do some minimal changes to them
and have a some what different article. My advice, make some major changes to the articles before you even think about submitting them. And by major I mean adding to them, rearranging the information in them, combining a couple of articles on the same subject matter, or even removing some of the content. The best way to be sure your private label article, if you decide to make use of them, is to add more content to them that is relevant to the overall article itself. Understand that the private label articles will require a bit of work on your part to turn them into original works. Take this small snippet of text as an example of a private label article: “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” Seems fine, but what if you have 35 people submitting the exact same thing into the exact same article directory? Then you have a problem. To be sure that your articles are going to be accepted within each article directory, you
will need to make some changes to the bulk of the articles. Like this: The sly tan fox hurriedly leaped over the sleeping dog.” See, not that difficult, right? The story being conveyed in both of the above examples is the same. It is the way in which it is conveyed that makes them different. You want to make your article as different as you possibly can using your own style of writing so that acceptance into the article directories is ensured. In fact, you could even add more to the article itself to really make it stand apart. Maybe you have a different angle of looking at things than the original author did. Put it to use and put it in the article! Be sure though that if you're adding more to an already written article that you keep the natural flow going. Place your additions in the appropriate places
eToro Snags a World Finance Award for Most Innovative Trading Platform 2010 |
The eToro platform, already a trader favorite, has now received a nod of appreciation from the financial trading industry as a winner of one of World Finance's prestigious annual awards. eToro's innovative approach to financial trading has been making waves for quite some time now among traders worldwide. The platform's user friendly graphic interfaces and wide range of ground breaking community tools have captured the attentions of novic |
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