The html required for creating a title is
Your title here As you can see, it is contained in the „head‟ section of a website. If your site already has a head section then you need only add the title opening and closing tags with your title between them. It should be noted that blog sites have a different format and that the page title is contained in the blog settings. So all you need to do with your title is to make sure it contains your main keywords. Once again, try to incorporate composite keywords (i.e. keyphrases containing more than one keyword combination.) Your title can be as long as you like, but only the first 55 characters are really examined by search engines. So make sure that your most powerful keywords are contained within the first 55 characters. The other thing to keep in mind with the title is that it should say something rather than just being a bunch of keywords. You can add a whole bunch of keywords to the keywords meta tag (dealt with in the next chapter) so you don‟t need to cram them into your title. Instead of a title of „online marketing techniques, marketing online, affiliate marketing‟ have something like „Online marketing techniques – Tips on creating a successful affiliate marketing business!‟ The second example is much nicer to look at and incorporates all three of the keywords in the previous example (though not necessarily in the same word order). Keep in mind that your title could appear as the description or link in search results. So something readable is much more likely to be clicked. Just consider… which text would you be more likely to click?
This is the best info I have seen so far on this topic. It actually gave me a clear understanding and example of what the whole keyword thing is about.