The scope for writing articles is literally endless. Every article you write will be different to an article of the same topic written by another person. Just as you could give the same title to ten people and ask them to write an article around that headline and end up with ten totally different articles. That‟s because every person is unique, and everyone‟s knowledge is unique. So how do you go about this lucrative form of publicity? First, find a subject that you are comfortable with. Decide what the focus of your article will be; the trick to writing articles that will bring publicity is to focus on just one subject per article. As the owner of several websites, I receive many article submissions. The majority of them are well written and within the scope of my requirements, but many go off on a tangent. Instead of focusing on the subject at hand – the focal point - they suddenly change direction and start discussing a totally unrelated subject, or a loosely connected subject. If your article is about marketing to targeted audiences, you must write only about that subject. Don‟t suddenly change direction and tell the reader how to write great sales copy.
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